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Sometime there's not a whole love story. Maybe it was just a fling that stuck with your heart? Here, you'll find some one offs, special moments, and more. Enjoy. 

 Treat haircolor like a paint store; show swatches by flipping them on their fronts (Walmart sales for Clairol went up, of course).

Treat haircolor like a paint store; show swatches by flipping them on their fronts (Walmart sales for Clairol went up, of course).

 Turn brand claims on their heads with summer truths. Then make a commercial with a guy that resembles Rob Lowe (that's the plan).

Turn brand claims on their heads with summer truths. Then make a commercial with a guy that resembles Rob Lowe (that's the plan).

 One of Amazon's first P&G scale campaigns. So successful, other P&G retailers got a little irked (oops!). 

One of Amazon's first P&G scale campaigns. So successful, other P&G retailers got a little irked (oops!). 

 Introducing Perfect 10 (black branding) exclusively to Target (known for red). They didn't let us do half of this, but it would have been cool, right?

Introducing Perfect 10 (black branding) exclusively to Target (known for red). They didn't let us do half of this, but it would have been cool, right?

 When your friends own a brewery, you get to edit and write very fun can copy. Caution Brewing is located in Lakewood, Co. Tell them Shannan sent you. 

When your friends own a brewery, you get to edit and write very fun can copy. Caution Brewing is located in Lakewood, Co. Tell them Shannan sent you. 

 Some Pro Bono Ad Club Denver-ness. I gathered a team (awesome AD, great illustrator) and brought to life some super wacky ideas. This became a poster and their online campaign. 

Some Pro Bono Ad Club Denver-ness. I gathered a team (awesome AD, great illustrator) and brought to life some super wacky ideas. This became a poster and their online campaign.